
Development of K12 Teaching Resources

Interactive Teaching Modules Developed for State Curricula

I help lead interactive learning modules designed around core concepts in state teaching standards in local elementary, middle, and high school biology classes. These modules incorporate hands-on exercises that encourage students to practice the scientific method, think critically, and have fun learning about biology.

Free K12 Resources Online

I helped storyboard, animate, and narrate this educational video Tiny fruit flies answer big scientific questions explaining how Drosophila genetics research can help us understand the world around us.

Watch YouTube video here!

Community STEM Outreach

I am involved in community outreach events like Bloomington's yearly Bug Fest (pictured here) and IU's yearly Science Fest!


Bloomington High School South Senior Internship Program

A senior student from the local high school joined the lab for a 12-week research internship and worked directly with me on a guided project investigating the role of sex determination genes in horned beetle development, resulting in her own first-author manuscript!

IU Groups Scholars Summer Research Experience

The Groups summer research program pairs incoming college freshmen with research mentors who prepare and guide the students through six weeks of hands-on research and foster the development of skills like formulating research questions and hypotheses and communicating findings verbally and in writing.

Jim Holland Summer Science Program

The Holland Summer Science programs offers recurring research exposure for URM high school students throughout three consecutive summers, offering them opportunities to interact with faculty and grad students across STEM departments, and in following years pairing them with research mentors who guide the students through hands-on research projects and prepare them to communicate their findings through a poster presentation.